The cherry blossoms are out in Tokyo. Unfortunately, the weather is really not very good. It’s raining this morning, and the forecast is for it to continue doing so for much of the day. Yesterday was grey, and rather cold. Nevertheless, we went out to see the cherry blossoms.

We went to our local graveyard. This may sound a little odd, and Yuriko also thought it was a bit strange, but the graveyard is very big, and has a lot of cherry trees. It’s also a bit hidden, in that you have to go up little roads behind houses to get to it, which means that, despite its location, it’s not as popular as you might think. There were still a lot of people there, but it wasn’t heaving, and while part of that could well have been the weather, I think the main locations in Tokyo would have been packed.
We didn’t have time to go round the whole area, but we did see that there are areas where you can have barbecues, and there were a lot of families having picnics. If your family is from this area, it could be a fun day out for the whole family, including the dead members. In any case, now that we know where it is, it’s likely to be our main cherry blossom spot in future years. At the very least, we’re likely to go there once.
After that, we went to Art Fair Tokyo. This is where Yuriko worked before Mayuki was born, and she’s gone back to work there part-time at the moment, so she had those reasons to go. She also wanted to see the art, and has dreams of being able to buy something at the fair. I’d like to save up so that she can, but the budget won’t permit at the moment. Anyway, my main job was looking after Mayuki, so that Yuriko could look around. I took her round the fair, of course, and she was fascinated by one of the exhibits.
It was an animation of a girl walking up a down escalator. She was climbing at the same speed as the escalator was descending, so the image didn’t change much, but Mayuki was fascinated. She watched it for over ten minutes, even complaining when we tried to take her away.
There’s still a lot to do to get ready to move, and that’s putting pressure on the blog. Maybe there’ll be more time for updates once we have moved.
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