One Month Checkup

Today was Mayuki’s one month check-up. She’s fine.

Right, well that’s that, then.

OK, a bit more detail, although there really isn’t a lot more to it. I had an interview with a potential new student immediately beforehand, so I had to go straight to the clinic from Mizonokuchi. Fortunately, I made it in time, arriving a couple of minutes before Yuriko arrived with Mayuki. She’d put her in the push chair to take her over, so today was the first proper use of the push chair. Mayuki had also got a bit cold, so we’ll have to look into wrapping her up more when we take her out next.

Both Yuriko and Mayuki had check-ups, and most of Mayuki’s checks happened while she was taken off into the back of the clinic. We could hear her crying; I don’t think she appreciated the importance of the event. However, we were pretty soon in again for consulation, and I got to hold her. That was when we were told there were no problems. Her weight is still on the low side, but it’s right at the bottom of the normal curve. Obviously, that’s OK, because it’s on the normal curve. We just have to make sure it doesn’t go down. (Or, rather, keeps going up at the standard rate.)

The only other thing was that Mayuki’s spots are due to insufficient washing, so I’ll have to start scrubbing a bit harder in her bath. Well, now I know I’m supposed to, that’s not too hard.

So, mother and baby are doing fine.






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