Category: Our Child
Mayuki Talking
Over the last couple of days Mayuki has started “talking” a lot more. Indeed, as I type this she’s carrying on a one-sided conversation with Yuriko in the next room. She had a period a few weeks ago when she made a lot of noise, but then she went quiet again. That phase also seems…
New Diary Entry
I’ve added a new entry to my Japan Diary.
Four Month Check-up
Yesterday, Mayuki had her three/four month checkup. These are run by the city ward, so they are free, and happen once a week. This week was a bit busy, due to the New Year holiday, so Yuriko thinks that there were about 50 or 60 babies there, but Mayuki was the cutest. Of course, I…
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, everyone. We had a really nice New Year holiday. First, Mum and Ray came to visit us on the return leg of their New Zealand trip, then we went to Nagoya to stay with Yuriko’s parents for a few nights. A detailed report, with photographs, will follow when I have time, which…
New Diary Entry
I’ve finally got around to updating my Japan diary, with a new entry.
Evolutionary Psychology
These last few days, Mayuki has started smiling and laughing as soon as I appear in front of her. She looks really pleased to see me. Hypotheses: 1) My face is weird, and makes her laugh. 2) While mothers can be sure that a baby is theirs, men have the option of doubt. However, the…
Looking at Flats
Today, all three of us went to look at a flat. Yuriko and Mayuki went yesterday, but I was feeling very tired, so I stayed at home. I’m feeling much better today (probably because I took yesterday easy), so I went back with them; Yuriko wanted to look again. The flats are a new block…
First Words
When seen through the eyes of a doting father, naturally. Today, during dinner, I was talking to Mayuki while I ate. Her eyes are clearly getting better, as she was watching me from some distance away as she sat in the bouncer, and reacted to my words. She reacted by saying “Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,…
Mayuki is clearly the most brilliantest baby in the whole wide world ever. Why, only this evening I spent about five minutes discussing world politics with her, and she contributed fully to the conversation. “So, what do you think about the Annapolis summit?” “Aaaaaooogugugu.” “That’s a little harsh, don’t you think. Abbas still has some…
Showa Memorial Park
The main topic of this blog will be today’s little trip out, but before we get on to that I’ll fill in yesterday. As regular readers of this blog will doubtless remember, a few months I rented a storage room near our flat. We’ve been transferring big empty boxes and the like over there, but…