Category: Our Child
Today I was back into Tokyo to do more bureaucratic business. First, I went to the UK Embassy to pick up Mayuki’s British birth certificate. We now have documentary evidence of both her nationalities, which is good, because it means we can apply for both passports. Given that they have expiry dates, and are not…
Mayuki’s Literary Leanings
Following on from her “googoo” experience, Mayuki has, once again, proved that there are certain things she has only ever seen written down. Today, sneezing, she managed to actually say “Aachooo!”. She is clearly practising to be a baby in a book. We are also having fairly long conversations. These are a little limited, as…
Yet More Admin
Yesterday I was out for the morning and part of the afternoon, doing yet more admin things for Mayuki. As yet, it’s not quite realistic to ask her to do them herself, so I got lumbered with the job. The first one was getting her registered at the UK Embassy. This is not legally required;…
A Number of Firsts
It is true that a small baby in the home takes up quite a lot of time, even when your wife is doing most of the child rearing. This is my excuse for not writing very many English blog entries recently. However, Mayuki is growing up nicely, and she’s passed a number of really important…
It’s been a while since I’ve written any blog entries, so I’ll write about Mayuki. I’m sure that some people, at least, are eager to hear more about her. She has been putting weight on, which is good. When we weighed her at bath time yesterday, she was finally over 4kg. Looking at the graphs…
Everyone Has Gone Home
Everyone has now gone home. I had to get up at 4am to get Mum, Ray, and Silver to the airport, and then come back here to get Dad and Joy on the train to the airport, so I’m quite tired. However, everything went really well, and I plan to do a diary entry with…
Busy Week
Mayuki’s Hatsumiyamairi (the Japanese equivalent of a christening; more when it’s happened) is this weekend, so large portions of family are arriving in Japan to attend. So, last week I was trying to get work cleared ready for the invasion, and this week I’m coping with the invasion. Mayuki is fine, as are we, but…
One Month Checkup
Today was Mayuki’s one month check-up. She’s fine. Right, well that’s that, then. OK, a bit more detail, although there really isn’t a lot more to it. I had an interview with a potential new student immediately beforehand, so I had to go straight to the clinic from Mizonokuchi. Fortunately, I made it in time,…
Better Not Die, Then…
Today, I got a letter from the life insurance company saying that they wouldn’t insure me. I didn’t know I was that sick. Actually, I suspect I’m not, but the combination of asthma, slightly high cholesterol a year ago, and non-Japanese may have put them off. This means that I can’t get really useful life…
Mayuki is a Good Girl
So, one reason why I’ve not been posting much about Mayuki is that she’s been good. Sleeping, particularly at night, drinking milk, using nappies, and waving her arms and legs around in a generally uncoordinated fashion. Pretty good for a baby of her age, really. She’s also been cooperative with my teaching; she’s been quiet…