Category: Our Child
Little Baby, Sweetly Sleep
We’ve been changing our daily schedule here over the last couple of weeks. The general advice is that it’s best that babies go to sleep relatively early and wake up relatively early, so we’re trying to manage that. Of course, given that I’m teaching until 8:30 every weekday, there’s a limit to how much we…
We’ve started the long process of weaning Mayuki. We actually tried to start it a couple of days ago, but she looked at the spoon in deep suspicion and refused to open her mouth, so we didn’t actually get anywhere. We did, however, capture the whole thing on video, as the first genuine attempt to…
Busy With Work
Sorry about not keeping the blog up to date; work has been busy. Actually, what’s happened is that I’ve had a bad couple of days for getting writing done, so work has piled up. Today I finally got a decent amount written, but I think I’m going to have to work over the weekend anyway.…
Mood Swings
OK, so “mood swings” may be a bit over the top, but there have been very noticeable changes in Mayuki’s mood over the last few days. From Wednesday to Friday she was in a bad mood, not sleeping during the day, complaining when left alone, and even complaining when we were there are playing with…
Computer Irritations
Yesterday was a national holiday, so a couple of Yuriko’s friends from work came round, to see Mayuki and Mayuki’s Hina dolls. One of them brought her daughter, who is a couple of months older than Mayuki. It gives us some idea of what Mayuki will be like in April. While they were there, I…
Another Long Gap
Sorry about that, I’ve been busy with work. On the bright side, I’ve now got most of my work up to the point I wanted it to be; I’ve caught up with all the editing that was left over from last year, and dealt with what arrived this year, and got my reading up to…
Mayuki Miscellany
A few of the brilliant things that Mayuki has been up to recently, apart from complaining loudly when at least one of us won’t come to play with her. Oh, she’s doing it again; Yuriko must be cooking. A couple of days ago she was playing with Yuriko, sitting in her lap and looking at…
Time with Mayuki
I’ve not had a lot of time to write blog entries recently. Work is quite busy (trying to catch up the time I lost over the New Year holidays, which is tricky because work doesn’t stop in the meantime), and, apart from keeping my Japanese blog going, I’m also trying to spend time with Mayuki.…
Bath Time
As I have mentioned before, Mayuki really likes her bath time. When Yuriko brings her to the bathroom, she smiles and laughs, although she does frown a bit when I undress her, doubtless because it’s a bit chilly at the moment. She almost never cries, though. Once I get her into the bath itself, she…
Two Babies
Today a couple of our friends came round for the afternoon. They live just down the road (they walked here), he’s English and she’s Japanese, and their eldest daughter was born a week after Mayuki, in the same clinic. They’re even nice people. With that many coincidences, it has to be fate. Anyway, we sat…