Scattered around the cave are the skeletons of other, smaller snakes, and twenty crystals, each worth a pawn of Terram vis. The serpent itself is also worth five pawns of Animal vis. If the walls of the cave are examined, then images of snakes will be found carved in the surface. These carvings are somewhat unusual, in that they seem to be melted in. There is a similar carving of a dragon surrounding the place where the vis is produced.
Bite 1st +10 Atk +12 Dam +18
Acid Missile, Dam +25 to one target.
It can spit a stream of acid at anyone within the cave or standing in the doorway, and it can do this once every five rounds. It can bite in the round wherein it spits.
Fat +3 Def +5 Soak +10
Body Levels: OK/OK, -1, -3, -5, Incap.
The room is a temple for the Syethiss, and over a hundred small statuettes of dragons and serpents stand in niches melted into the wall. Between the niches, the wall is covered in carvings representing the life of a great Dragon. This is the history of the dragon Perristus, who lived from 112 to 893 AD, and whose egg lies beneath the floor. She created the Syethiss to guard this egg, and concealed the rest of the brood elsewhere. Each of the statuettes (of which there are 117) is carved from one of the Terram crystals and is worth a pawn of vis. Taking them will incur the eternal enmity of the Syethiss, however. There will always be at least twenty of them in here, of whom a dozen are guards.
The woman in the statue has a psychic link to the young dragon, and is compelled, by her own desires, to guard it until it reaches some kind of maturity, about twenty years after hatching.
Most Syethiss are stronger than humans, but less intelligent. They are adapted for underground life, and sunlight would blind them, as they find their way about by touch and sound. They can see, and that is one reason why they have such respect for the Terram crystals. Some of them are born with coloured crests, and these have magical abilities. The precise abilities vary from Syethiss to Syethiss, but are on the Virtue level, rather than being Hermetic magic. Perristus was vastly powerful, but even she had her limits.
The Syethiss have a doom hanging over them: when the egg hatches, they will cease to reproduce, and then die out. The magi might be able to find a way around that problem, if they are on good enough terms with the Syethiss to want to.
Sword 1st +5 Atk +6 Dam +14
Fat +2 Def +4 Soak +10 Body Levels OK, -1, -3, -5, Incap.
There are many non-warriors, but they are not likely to be encountered at first, unless the characters decide to investigate.
Copyright David Chart 1995-1998