Saga Background

This is all the background that I wrote for the Antrum Draconis Saga, which is now defunct. It has been very crudely html'd, although I am gradually working through to clean it up. It was also intended purely for my own consumption, and thus is doubtless full of lacunae, and random musings as I was developing the ideas.

This is now offered as a resource for other Storyguides: it should transfer to other parts of Mythic Europe easily enough. Thus, you may make as many copies as you like for personal, not-for-profit use, as long as I am still credited as the original author. To pinch a term from software, this is freeware, not public domain stuff: I still retain copyright.

It should be noted that I wrote this for Ars Magica 3rd Edition, with some House Rules. The books in the covenant libraries should be treated as summae, if you want easy conversions. The numbers may be a bit peculiar, though.

I hope it is of use, or at least entertaining...

The overall structure of the Saga.

Legends given to the Players

The Legend of King Greylock.
The Legend of Hector and Degarith.
The Legend of Lupercus and Malkurrag.
The Legend of Mother Ketton.
The Legend of Miriam's Spring.
The Legend of the Mutus Liber.
The Legend of Sir Richard.
The Legend of Rogan.
The Legend of Wight.

Malkurrag and his Diabolists

The overall picture.
The Richmond coven.
A session revealing some more about the demon.

The Sisterhood of Britain

General overview.

Rogan of the Dales

Overview and Stats.
His assault on the covenant.

The Syethiss

The caves.
Syethiss society.
The Syethiss embassy.

Fulmen Candidum

Matthew's summary.
My notes.

Miscellaneous Background

King Greylock.
The Mason.
The Moneylender.
A vis hunt.
A werewolf.
My plans for what turned out to be the last session.

The Stonehenge Tribunal

The players' summary.
My overview.
Insula Sancta.
Schola Pythagoranis.
Spina Nigra.
Scopulus Ungularum

Domus Doctrinae

Ipperrian and Chrysippus.
The investigation of Fulmen Candidum.

Rosa Aurea

Robert o'Horse.

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Copyright David Chart 1995-1998