Trutina, Follower of Guernicus

Trutina is female, 116 years old, and 92 years out of apprenticeship. She is a Traditionalist Quaesitor, with an unblemished reputation, and Transitionalist leanings. She joined Rosa Aurea sixty years ago, after training in the Tribunal of Thebes and acting as an investigating Quaesitor there. One of the reasons that she came to Stonehenge was the decline in magic, and the worrying activities of Spina Nigra. She felt that they should be investigated, and her superiors in Guernicus agreed.

She is a firm believer in the traditional way of doing things: covenants should be located out in the wilderness, and keep themselves aloof from the doings of mortal society. That does not mean that they should be ignorant of what is going on, nor that they must avoid all contact: she recognises the need to survive, and that in a crowded land like England survival means some contact with mundanes. She frowns upon excessive involvement with other supernatural powers, as well. Thus, she is suspicious of Schola Pythagoranis, and of Turris Papilionum, and is considering launching investigations into their activities. She has already investigated Spina Nigra, although due to that covenant's influence in the Tribunal, she was rather constrained in her actions. She is not convinced that they have diabolic ties, but she is sure that they are up to their necks in mundane politics. She is one of the main forces behind the transformation of Rosa Aurea into the opposition to Spina Nigra.

She approves of the site of Antrum Draconis, but is suspicious of Lucia. She has always had her suspicions, and she thinks that the maga's links to her mortal family are closer than they should be. This is likely to come up. As to the rest, building a castle on a hill and fighting dragons are good, traditional Hermetic activities, and so meet with her approval. Vulcanius and Matthew are likely to be looked on with most favour, since she has specific suspicions about Lucia, and the others represent Houses that she distrusts slightly. Juliette will be fairly well regarded, because her distrust of Bjornaer is slight.

She is very tall and thin, gangling in fact, but her presence and demeanor are still noble. Her hair has greyed, and she wears it drawn back tightly into a pony tail. She wears white robes, kept magically clean, to symbolise neutrality, and wears a small golden charm in the form of a pair of scales balanced on a sword point. This is enchanted with protective magics, which won't come into play. Her conversation is very much directed on matters of business: she will ask the covenant members about their resources, plans for the future, relations with mundane nobles, and the like. Occasionally, this will start to shade into an interrogation, but she will catch herself and back off with an apology, unless someone points this out sooner, in which case she will also apologise. She will scrutinise the covenant charter, criticising any deviations from normal Hermetic usage, but she will agree to witness anything reasonable.

She does have a non-magical hobby: she collects Greek intaglio gems. This has led to her building up a substantial network of contacts in certain circles, and brings her rather more news of the Mediterranean than you might expect. She will not use magic to enhance her collection, as she feels that that would be stepping too close to interfering with mundanes.

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