King Greylock

King Greylock is a faerie lord of Dark Summer. He is an underground lord, of mining and craftsmanship in stone and metal. He can bring the covenant within his dominion and thus take it outside that of Rogan, protecting it from the latter spirit. This will make the magi liege-men of King Greylock, and thus they will be drawn into the war with Wight, at a later stage. Of course, it will have other implications, like requiring them to attend his court. So, King Greylock, typical subject, the Court, and notes on other obligations.

King Greylock

Faerie Might 40

Size +1

Int +3 Per +2

Prs +5 Com +3

Str +6 Stm +6

Dex +2 Qik +2


Control Person 12 Control Terram 15

Fear 10 Shapechange to Object 6

Bless 5 Curse 10

Shapechange Other to Object 4

King Greylock suffers no ill-effects from iron. However, the touch of sunlight turns him to stone, and he remains as a statue until the following sunset. Smashing the statue, which has no magic resistance, will kill him.

King Greylock is a beneficent ruler. He requires the proper respect from all who deal with him, such as calling him 'Your Majesty', and not turning your back on him. He will also not be ordered around: you cannot even make requests without drawing his anger down on you: the correct way is to suggest. Refusing an offer that he makes is a deadly insult. Note that there is no way to alter the relationship, since King Greylock is a faerie. The more obsequiously polite you are to him, the better.

On the other hand, he will not make unreasonable requests, and will let them mine lead from his territories, even ensuring that the lead contains silver. He may even return gift for gift: after all, that is the way of monarchs. Ultimately, supporting him will mean that they have to fight Wight.

He is tall and heavily built, with lead-grey skin and darker grey hair, which is long, as is his beard. He wears long grey robes, but they seem to shimmer, even if he is not moving. Around his head, there is a band of lead, serving as a crown. This band, which can only be removed by killing him, contains 16 pawns of Terram vis.

Typical Subject

Faerie Might 15

Size 0

Int +2 Per +2

Prs 0 Com -1

Str +5 Stm +5

Dex +2 Qik +2

Faerie Powers

Control Terram 3 Enchant Objects 1

Shapechange to Object 2 (Elfshot 2)

King Greylock's subjects are loyal subjects: warriors, smiths, miners, and the like. They are all male, and all have the same grey skin as their Lord. They also wear grey clothing, but it does not shimmer. They are all heavily built, but not as tall as King Greylock. Their precise appearance depends a great deal on their role. They band together to forge magical items for their king. The warriors have Elfshot 2. They are all killed instantly by the touch of sunlight.

The Court

King Greylock's Court is in a level 6 Faerie Regio located under Rogan's Seat. This regio has only one layer, and the faerie area that it borders on has a rating of three. The mines will reach into this area within a few years.

The Court is held within a large cavern, carved with pillars of living rock. There is a great stone throne on which King Greylock sits, and everything is lit by a dim grey light. There are no other seats in the court, and no food or drink, since none of the faeries eat or drink. When he holds court, the King is, of course, the last to enter. His chamberlain stands by the throne, and his ushers organise the people and faeries there into orderly rows, on either side of the cavern. Then his heralds blow a fanfare, which tends to instill feelings of respect and humility, and the rock splits open at one end of the cave, to let King Greylock through.

When he is seated on his throne, he will listen to petitions from his subjects, and make decrees. The decrees come first. At the first court, he decrees that Desrani the Smith is outlaw for his resistance to the court, that the House of Malan have the right to work the Fothergill vein, and that Gostrack is appointed King's Smith. Then the chamberlain announces the petitions. The first is from Desrani the Smith, who requests that he be allowed to remain in the court. The King relents, and grants his petition. The second is from Jeren Gofan, who petitions to be a soldier. The King gives him a lecture on the acceptance of one's ordained place in society. Then the covenant can present its petition.

Assuming they don't foul up horribly, they will be granted their petition to join his realm. King Greylock will then decree that they are part of his realm, and under his protection. As he makes the decree, a howl of mad rage will split the hall, disconcerting everyone but doing nothing further. The characters will probably petition further to be allowed to mine. He will grant this with the condition that artists be employed on the workings. This will seem like it is going to cost more than they get, but the presence of silver means that they will still make a profit of £200 per year, after they can find the artists (more preparation). They will be obliged to do it, now that they have petitioned for it and been accepted.

They will be required more at court in the future, and will be summoned by the ambassador on those occasions.

Other Effects

First, when Wight attacks King Greylock, they will be expected to fight with him. This will be dangerous.

The aura on Kisdon will shift from Magic to Faerie over the course of ten years, except within the covenant itself, where the activities of the magi will mean that it stays magical. Minor faeries will come and live in the aura.

They may also get enmeshed in court politics: this, I will hand over to Mike.

Malurin, The Ambassador

Malurin is King Greylock's ambassador, and he comes to offer the covenant the protection of that monarch. He will arrive at night, and ask to speak to the magi. He will explain the dangers that being in Rogan's realm imposes on them, and say that his lord is willing to offer them his protection. He will expand on the identity of King Greylock if asked, and will guide the magi to the Court that night if they want to accept. Otherwise, he will return at the same phase of the next moon, and take them then.

Faerie Might 30

Size 0

Int +3 Per +3

Prs +5 Com +5

Str +4 Stm +4

Dex +3 Qik +3

Faerie Powers

Control Person 8 Enthralling Voice 3

Shapechange to Object 4 Control Terram 5

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