6/2/96 Notes

OK, there are a whole bunch of little things that have to go on this week. What is the big thing? Well, little things first.

Metagame considerations. Colette and Lucia have not had a great deal to do recently. Drawing Colette in is more important. Try to set something up that can also draw Will out, again. Thurstan is tending towards being a bit of a cipher. Similarly Alex. Pierre is thoroughly a cipher, but I don't see much way of fixing that immediately. I definitely don't want Dinan playing the diabolist again.

I need to get Lucia to appeal to Geoffrey for help. Time to steal the sheep, perhaps... Then, of course, there's the problem of getting this together as a unified session. Prior Martin and Giovanni will offer books to Matthew. Prior Martin merely does it on good terms, while Giovanni will actually offer a couple free, as good-will gifts.

Maybe Aelfred should also make a move on Lucia, inviting her to a feast. She will, of course, have to take an escort. Jervaulx could nick the sheep, Geoffrey intervence to get them back.

I still need something to actually do in the session. Far too much faffing about going on. Then, of course, there's Jacob's attempts to build up relations with the covenant, and the ongoing Saga of Gideon.

The big event is the destruction of Peregrinatores. Catherine comes to Eleanor, and leads her to the site. It is all over by the time they can get there, but they can try to avenge the covenant. This will involve tracking the assaulters, and fighting them.

Who is responsible? A random group of bandits. The covenant has not met a terribly glorious end. They get the acorn, very important, and some books. Say about a dozen. This is symbolic of the problems facing new covenants.

So, how did the bandits manage to take three more powerful magi? Luck, to a certain extent. Trickery, to a greater extent. And by turning their magic against them: three of the bandits have anti-magic charms made by the Verditius. He was refusing to make them any more, because he foresaw such an assault. Say level 20 charms. The characters get those as well, then.

No, the characters might not find out what happened. Catherine shows up dead, carrying the acorn. Magic is no help, because they no longer have ACs and Catherine can't tell them anything, having gone into final twilight.

What did happen? They annoyed the Earl of Chester, who set up an ambush. The magical items he had already obtained provided some defence, and allowed the troops to overwhelm them. They weren't a combat covenant anyway. The Earl has hidden the evidence, so there is little chance of them ever finding out. Let them attribute it to the demon, who will be happy to take the credit.

Giovanni brings Plato's Phaedo (Teach +4), the Aristotle are De anima and De caelo, both Philosophy 0. Isagoge is Trivium, didactic, Target 0, Teach +3.

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