

Margaret is in her late thirties, and has been with the sisterhood since she was eleven. Kate took her away for training, and while she was happy at the time, it has not lived up to her expectations, and she resents what she feels she has lost.

Margaret has always been very beautiful, and when she was a child she used to dream of captivating a noble with her looks, and marrying into the nobility. She even had dreams of becoming queen, when the young prince saw her and fell madly in love. Of course, the most that she would ever have managed is concubinage, but she doesn't realise that.

Then Kate came, telling her about the Sisterhood and their role as the protectors of the country. She was also told some of the legends of the Sisterhood, and decided that she wanted the power offered therein. And so she ran away from home, and went to Kate for training. As the years passed it became obvious that she was not going to get great power by working with Kate, and she became resentful. When Kate began training Isabel, in particular, she became terribly jealous.

She realised that she had burned her bridges, and started working on ways to gain more power, trying all the tricks suggested by the legends. None of them worked (but if the Tree and Serpent are restored, she might find that she has bargained for quite a lot). Now, she is grasping at straws, willing to risk almost anything for the power that she craves: for something that will make her life worthwhile.

Description and Stats

Margaret is extremely beautiful, even though she doesn't wash much. She hasn't tanned in the sun, and her skin has remained soft. This is not entirely through shirking work: some of it is from working on her appearance, and some of it is natural luck. She wears plain clothes, but they are carefully looked after, and show off her figure to great advantage.

Int +1 Per +2

Prs +5 Com 0

Str -1 Stm 0

Dex -1 Qik -3

Her skills are mostly mundane ones concerned with survival and looking after her appearance. However, she also has Legend Lore (Britain) 3 and Area Lore (Northern Pennines) 7. She has Animal Ken 5 and Weather Sense 5, as well as Ways of the Dales.

Plans &c

She wants power. Not really so that she can dominate other people, but so that she can respect herself and not feel that her life has been wasted. To that end, she will pester the magi to train her, and give her the power that they have. This is impossible, as she does not have the Gift.

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Copyright David Chart 1995-1998