The main plot thread at the moment is the draining ritual. This is guarded and maintained by a group of diabolists, at a secret location near Brockenhurst in the New Forest - it wasn't Rufus's body which was taken to Winchester. While the main purpose of the diabolists is to maintain the ritual, they have other activities as well, which may give the characters a lead on them.
There need to be at least two leads, from different directions. One is connected to the Grail as well: a group of non-Hermetics performed the True King ritual for Rufus, and have known, ever since, that his death was the cause of the blight on the land. They also know about Glastonbury, and their casting-forth many years previously. The remnants are living near the covenant, and thus can be encountered. They are also a plot on their own account, of course. They can also be faerie related and thus tie in to Wight. That should focus suspicion on the New Forest, which they should already have grounds to suspect.
The diabolists need to act in the north, probably in Richmond. They are trying to prepare the way for the return of their lord, which they expect. The characters can find out that the demon is indeed due back in 1242. Thus, the characters have to deal with a diabolist plot. Following it up leads them south, initially to Winchester, and then to the real headquarters. I want to introduce these plots while the characters are still setting up, so rumours of the non-Hermetics can be found at that point. As well as dreams and visions pointing to the various things.
The plots of the diabolists need to be worked out in some detail, so that they can be unravelled as required. The Hermetic diabolists are not allied to Malkurrag.
(20/9/95) Diabolists. They need a plot in Richmond that the PCs can unravel, which should be linked to many other plots. They also need an overarching goal, which is to prepare the way for their master. His aim is to rule Britain, and so they need to prepare nobles to accept his instructions. They have spent the last eighty years gathering wealth and putting diabolist families into positions of influence. Now they are ready to move: this means accustoming people to the orders that they will be given, weakening the Church, and corrupting the nobles.
The centre for the local plot is York. There, they are trying to corrupt the Archbishop, or at least the prior of St Mary's, as well as influence the local nobility. The really local one is the installation of the new constable of Richmond, who is a diabolist, and will act in such a way. There need to be actions that will spark the characters' suspicions. The removal of the local priest just before they arrive , and his replacement shortly before the Tribunal is one. The covenant is also a threat, so the constable will take a hostile interest. That will take a little while, since news does not travel instantly. The York Coven has thirteen members, as all covens do. They've spent 80 years preparing this network, so it is fairly powerful. Covens in Exeter, Bristol, Canterbury, London, Norwich, Chester, York, Lincoln, Northampton, Durham, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Winchester. The leaders of these covens form the Shadow Council, which is led by the Winchester leader. He also heads the coven that protects the ritual site. The second tier of covens is made up of influential people, and about a quarter head their own covens. One of the current projects is to build up the lower tier: once it is full, there will be as many diabolists as clergy. The constable of Richmond is trying to build up his own coven, and will try to subvert the magi. Or will he try to destroy them? Subversion, since he could destroy them with little trouble. The trail will thus be Richmond, York, Winchester.
Copyright David Chart 1995-1998