Fulmen Candidum

They are bound to investigate this fairly early on, since it is so close to the covenant. What, than, happened there? They were opposed to Spina Nigra, but also worried about the drain of magic. The best option, I think, is that they were engaged in a ritual to draw a magical aura into the world, which went horribly wrong.

Thus, the covenant is now lost in a regio. (19/9/95) This will also be a source of Creo vis, and quite a good one at that. Say eight points per year: one produced on each of the Sabbats. The area now has a randomly and rapidly fluctuating magical aura, which even varies from place to place, with a steep gradient (roll simple die for aura at any time). Magic is also transformed in effect, and possibly in level, so that no spell will do what it is expected to. On a stress roll + Int + Concentration of 24+, a spell will do what it is supposed to. Rego Vim spells specially researched can add one per magnitude to this roll. If you go in closer, the aura will rip Parmae down, and this is actually painful. Within a bowshot of the walls, take a stress die damage (no armour) every round, with a bonus to the damage depending on how close you are. At the base of the walls, the bonus is +40. Nothing can be seen within the walls, and any spell even attempting to cross the disruption zone is affected. A Rego Vim spell can reduce the damage, by one for every level. Damage below zero is ignored, so a 40th level spell will get you safe all the way in. This has a range of Near, duration Conc, and the stabilising spell must be kept up as well. It takes ten rounds to walk to the gates.

Inside the covenant, the magical effect goes away. Only Creo spells will work, but they always work, and sponts are not divided at all, nor do they cost fatigue. Instead, the creative energy is constantly creating things. Most are unstable, but some are permanent. This needs working out in some detail before the PCs go in, but that won't happen for a while.

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