

Giovanni was born in Italy in 1195. He was bright, and was soon put for training for the priesthood by his parents. In his training, he was more intelligent than the other boys, and this gave rise to feelings of pride. His teacher encouraged these, telling him that he was the finest pupil that he had ever taught. While he was in his early teens, his teacher introduced him to the works of Plato, and told him that he was a worthy heir of the Greek philosophers. Then he seduced him.

Giovanni was soon ordained and sent to England. There, he regarded himself as superior to the plodding herd around him, and was condescending in his sermons. This, and the fact that he made almost as many references to classical Greece as to the Bible, brought him to Geoffrey's attention. With the aid of some demons, he contrived to supply Giovanni with faked works of Plato and Aristotle, and other Greek philosophers, which sanctioned and even encouraged wilder excesses. He soon took Stephen as a lover and accomplice, and began to drift away from Church doctrine. Early in 1219, he was given a text which encouraged the rape of boys, and he soon kidnapped and raped a peasant boy from Richmond.

In 1220, he was supplied with texts that pointed out all the contradictions in Christianity, and encouraged him to follow only the path of the true philosophers. These texts, and further encouragement of his pride by Geoffrey led him, in conjunction with Stephen, to kidnap, rape, and murder a boy on the altar of his church. At this point, Geoffrey revealed that he had been present, and gave him the choice between serving the gods of Greece, and instant exposure. Giovanni chose the gods, and signed his pact with the devil. He and Stephen were assigned to the church at Grinton, where he takes up residence early in 1221. There, he will endeavour to turn the people away from Christianity, and towards his masters.

Description and Stats

Giovanni is of average height, with a swarthy, Mediterranean complexion. His voice is pleasant to listen to, but he tends to look down on people if at all possible, and never regards other people's comments as worthy of note. He wears clerical black at all times, and affects a high degree of austerity and severity. He is very good looking, with a tendency towards androgynous beauty.

Str -1 Stm 0

Int +2 Per 0

Prs +2 Com +3

Dex -1 Qik -1

Philosophy 5, Charisma 6, Charm 5, Church Lore 3, Church Knowledge 3, Occult Lore 1 and rising. So far, he has no demonic gifts at all, but they will come if he is successful.

Plans, Weaknesses, and Evidence

Giovanni plans to turn the people of upper Swaledale away from the Church. He will desecrate the church as soon as he arrives, and perform demonic rituals there which will grant it an Infernal Aura. His sermons will emphasise non-Christian doctrines, and in confession he will encourage and discourage different actions from the standard. Among other things, he will encourage obedience to the lords, whatever their commands.

Giovanni's biggest weakness is his supreme confidence in his intellectual abilities. He thinks that he is one of the cleverest people ever to live, and will trust his intellectual opinions accordingly. By the same token, he will not accept correction from anyone, and will dismiss as not worthy of attention anyone who has the temerity to disagree with him.

The most damning evidence about Giovanni's activities can be found in his library, where the books detailing his corrupt philosophy can be found. While this will be enough to convict and destroy him, there is no evidence to link him to the other diabolists. Careful observation will, however, reveal that Aelfred talks to him rather more than might be expected.

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