The Covenants of Stonehenge
Insula Sancta
A very old covenant, with its origins back in Roman times. It is on Anglesey, and has just recently come out of a period of Winter, back into Spring. It looks likely to succeed in returning to Summer. It has 8 members, and is dominated by an Ex Miscellanea tradition that is found nowhere else. At the moment, its aims seem to be simply becoming established.
Turris Papilionum
A Summer covenant with six members, it is dominated by House Merinita and has a strong interest in faeries. It is opposed to Wight, but takes little part in Hermetic Politics. It seems to have no aims beyond the investigation of the fay. It is sited on St Bee's Head, in Cumbria
Rosa Aurea
An Autumn covenant in the North York Moors, it is renowned for being highly traditional. It has ten members, all of whom seek to uphold the glorious traditions of the Order of Hermes. After the fall of Fulmen Candidum, it is the natural centre for resistance to Spina Nigra.
Cad Gadu
The Domus Magna of House Ex Miscellanea, but in Winter and on the verge of disappearing nevertheless. It has only four members, and almost no voice in Hermetic politics. It is in Snowdonia, and the main question is whether Spina Nigra or Insula Sancta will get its resources.
Spina Nigra
A rigidly disciplined covenant in the Black Mountains, south Wales. It has twelve members, and is dominated by House Tremere. It aims to take control of the Tribunal, and until recently was fervently opposed by Fulmen Candidum. It is in Autumn, and is suspected of many breaches of the Code, including diabolism. What is certainly true is that it is prone to ruthlessness in its quest for power.
Scopulus Ungularum
An Autumn covenant with seven members, found on Dartmoor. It was founded by Hector, a renowned Flambeau Arch-Mage, but it seems to have lost all sense of direction since his death. It may well be on the verge of Winter.
Caligo Fulgens Crepusculi
A tiny Winter covenant with two members, both of House Criamon, found in the Isles of Scilly. It seems to have no aims at all, but then no-one can ever fathom the Criamon.
The Praeco of the Tribunal is almost always resident at this Winter covenant found within Silbury Hill. This is because the covenant has a constitution which grants privileges based on absollute age, rather than time spent at the covenant. Thus, old magi from elsewhere in the Tribunal, or even other Tribunals, often move there. It is very rich, but its source of wealth is unknown. It has ten members, and is in a stable Winter.
Schola Pythagoranis
A Jerbiton dominated Summer covenant with five members. It is situated in Cambridge, and is encouraging the growth of the university there. Most of its aims seem to be directed at the increase of mundane scholarship, rather than towards Hermetic goals.
Peregrinatores Glandis
This Spring covenant, with three members, travels about the Heart of England, searching for bits of magic that others have missed. At the moment, it seems to have no goals other than survival.
Domus Doctrinae
This covenant is in Summer, and is seeking to become one of the great centres of magical scholarship in the Order. Its nine members are all engaged in some form of research, and its library is rumoured to be superb. They are very reluctant to give out their knowledge, rather bartering it for more books or spells.
Copyright David Chart 1995-1998